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8th Day Naming Prayers for Cecilia Marie C. -- July 2022


8th Day Naming Prayers for Cecilia Marie, newborn daughter of parishioners David and Lucy C.

Reception into the Fullness of the Orthodox Christian Faith

On Sunday, July 10, 2022, Michael A. was received

into the Fullness of the Orthodox Christian Faith,

by means of Confession of Faith and Anointing with Holy Chrism.

He is seen here, in the first picture, with our Pastor, Fr. John H., and his Sponsor, John K.

In the second picture, Michael is receiving the Holy Anointing. Many Years! 

Wedding of Lucy and David -- February 16, 2020


Lucy and David were married in our parish on Sunday afternoon, February 16.

Lucy is our pastor's daughter. Many Years! 

Theophany - Blessing of Water - January 2020


To commemorate Theophany, the Feast of Our Lord's Baptism, we blessed Holy Water.

Then, we used the newly blessed water to bless our Parish Temple (Church Building) and homes.

Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas) 2019


Protodeacon Paul proclaims the Gospel (the Good News) of Our Lord Jesus Christ's Saving Birth

Christmas Cookie Fundraiser -- December 2019


This year our Parish Bakers contributed dozens upon dozens of cookies, which the Parish Sisterhood then used to create 40 trays of wonderful cookies.

These trays were sold as a Parish Fundraiser just before the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord  (Christmas) in December 2019. A great project, with delicious results! 

Jacob being Baptized
Jacob being Baptized
Jacob being Baptized
Jacob, with Fr. John, and Sponsor Peter
Jacob, with Fr. John, and Sponsor Peter
Jacob, with Fr. John, and Sponsor Peter
July 2019 -- Jacob's Baptism

On Sunday, July 28, Jacob was baptized.

"As many as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ. Alleluia!"

Pentecost Kneeling Prayers -- Sunday, June 16, 2019
Pentecost Kneeling Prayers -- Sunday, June 16, 2019
Pentecost Kneeling Prayers -- Sunday, June 16, 2019
Feast of Holy Pentecost -- Sunday, June 16, 2019


On Sunday, June 16, 2019, we celebrated the Feast of Holy Pentecost, commemorating the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples--now called to be apostles--fifty days after Our Lord Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead on Holy Pascha. As is traditional at Pentecost, we read the kneeling prayers, which restore the pious practice of kneeling to the Church after the fifty days during which we do not kneel following Holy Pascha. 

Before the Tomb on Great and Holy Friday
Before the Tomb on Great and Holy Friday
Before the Tomb on Great and Holy Friday
Paschal Procession at Front Doors of Church
Paschal Procession at Front Doors of Church
Paschal Procession at Front Doors of Church
Blessing of Paschal Foods
Blessing of Paschal Foods
Blessing of Paschal Foods
Holy Week and Pascha 2019
Clergy and Faithful Praying during Vespers
Clergy and Faithful Praying during Vespers
Clergy and Faithful Praying during Vespers
Many Varieties of Lenten Soup and Bread
Many Varieties of Lenten Soup and Bread
Many Varieties of Lenten Soup and Bread
Warm Fellowship after Vespers
Warm Fellowship after Vespers
Warm Fellowship after Vespers
MIssion Vespers - Feast of the Annunciation - Great Lent 2019


Our Parish hosted Lenten Mission Vespers for our Fellow Parishes of the Connecticut Deanery on Sunday evening, March 24, the Eve of the Feast of the Annunciation. (That's why the clergy are vested in blue vestments, rather than the usual Lenten purple!)  After the service we enjoyed a wonderful Lenten "Soup and Bread" Repast with our guests. 

Preparations underway!
Preparations underway!
Preparations underway!
Parishioners enjoying Pre-Lenten Fellowship
Parishioners enjoying Pre-Lenten Fellowship
Parishioners enjoying Pre-Lenten Fellowship
Meat-fare Sunday Brunch - Sunday, March 3


On Sunday, March 3, 2019, we enjoyed a festive Meat-fare Sunday Brunch, with all proceeds going to benefit the Plymouth Community Food Pantry, which is housed in the lower level portion of our Parish Community Center. About $500.00 was raised for the Food Pantry on this occasion, as we enjoyed Pre-Lenten Fellowship. 

"Saint Nicholas" being interviewed
"Saint Nicholas" being interviewed
"Saint Nicholas" visiting with the Parish
"Saint Nicholas" visiting with the Parish
"Saint Nicholas" continuing his visit
"Saint Nicholas" continuing his visit
Visit of Saint Nicholas to the Parish -- December 2, 2018


On Sunday, December 2, we had the annual "Visit of Saint Nicholas" to the parish.

A lively exchange occured between "Saint Nicholas" and the children of the parish, as "Saint Nicholas" reminded us about his life and deeds.

This annual tradition is always well received in our parish.



Open House Banner outside the Church
Open House Banner outside the Church
Open House Banner outside the Church
Deacon Paul and Others greeting our Guests
Deacon Paul and Others greeting our Guests
Deacon Paul and Others greeting our Guests
Open House -- Sunday, September 30


We hosted an Open House on Sunday, September 30, and we were glad and honored to host those who came to visit our Parish.

May God bless all those who visited with us, and may He enlighten them with the saving power of His love. 

His Eminence blesses with the dikirion at the singing of the Trisagion
His Eminence blesses with the dikirion at the singing of the Trisagion
His Eminence blesses with the dikirion at the singing of the Trisagion
His Eminence Archbishop NIKON and Fr. John wave the aer over the Holy Gifts during the singing of the Creed
His Eminence Archbishop NIKON and Fr. John wave the aer over the Holy Gifts during the singing of the Creed
His Eminence Archbishop NIKON and Fr. John wave the aer over the Holy Gifts during the singing of the Creed
Visit of His Eminence, Archbishop NIKON, on September 9, 2018


Our diocesan hierarch, His Eminence, Archbishop NIKON of Boston, visited our Parish on Sunday, November 9, and presided at the Divine Liturgy. It was a uplifting from our kind and gentle bishop! May God grant you many years, Your Eminence! 

Workshop Leader Robin Freeman with Participants from our Parish Choir
Workshop Leader Robin Freeman with Participants from our Parish Choir
Workshop Leader Robin Freeman with Participants from our Parish Choir
Robin Freeman leading our Parish Choir
Robin Freeman leading our Parish Choir
Robin Freeman leading our Parish Choir
Our Choir singing together during the Choir Workshop
Our Choir singing together during the Choir Workshop
Our Choir singing together during the Choir Workshop
June 2018 -- Our Parish Choir Enjoys an Edifying and Productive Workshop


On Saturday, June 16, our Parish Choir enjoyed a edifying and productive liturgical singing workshop with Robin Freeman, Director of Music at Saint Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary. Robin worked for an hour and a half with our Choir Directors, and then for another two hours with the whole Choir. We had a dinner break, and then we all prayed (and sang!) together at our usual Saturday evening Parish Vigil service. We are grateful to Saint Vladimir's Seminary, and to Robin Freeman, for the Parish Music Program. 

Mother's Day Brunch - Sunday, May 13, 2018


We enjoyed a wonderful Mother's Day Brunch on Sunday, May 13, 2018, hosted by Tim O. and Paul S. (Thanks, gentlemen!) May God bless all our mothers, grandmothers, Godmothers, and all those who exercise motherly ministry in our lives! 

The Memorial Service before the Cemetery Cross
The Memorial Service before the Cemetery Cross
The Memorial Service before the Cemetery Cross
Fr. John begins to bless the graves
Fr. John begins to bless the graves
Fr. John begins to bless the graves
Fr. John blessing the graves in the Parish Cemetery
Fr. John blessing the graves in the Parish Cemetery
Fr. John blessing the graves in the Parish Cemetery
Blessing the Graves in the Parish Cemetery on Thomas Sunday 2018


On a day with windchills well below freezing, we blessed the graves in the Parish Cemetery. Next year we might wait for a warmer day, but this year we performed this rite of blessing on the traditional day of Thomas Sunday. (The wind was blowing so hard, Fr. John had to zip up his coat over his epitrachelion to keep it from blowing away!)

Fr. John reads the Catechetical Sermon of Saint John Chrysostom during the Paschal Midnight Services
Fr. John reads the Catechetical Sermon of Saint John Chrysostom during the Paschal Midnight Services
Fr. John reads the Catechetical Sermon of Saint John Chrysostom during the Paschal Midnight Services
Holy Pascha 2018 -- The Catechetical Sermon
The Plaschinitsa/Epitaphion -- Holy Friday 2018
The Plaschinitsa/Epitaphion -- Holy Friday 2018
The Plaschinitsa/Epitaphion -- Holy Friday 2018
The Faithful Venerate the Plaschinitsa, the image of Our Lord, entombed
The Faithful Venerate the Plaschinitsa, the image of Our Lord, entombed
The Faithful Venerate the Plaschinitsa, the image of Our Lord, entombed
The Plaschinitsa/Epitaphion -- Holy Friday 2018
Baptism of Olena F. on March 24


On Saturday, March 24, little Olena was baptized. Many Years to her, and her sponsors, and her family!

Clergy during the Mission Vespers
Clergy during the Mission Vespers
Clergy during the Mission Vespers
Choir during the Mission Vespers
Choir during the Mission Vespers
Choir during the Mission Vespers
Lenten "Soup and Bread" Fellowship after Mission Vespers
Lenten "Soup and Bread" Fellowship after Mission Vespers

On Sunday, March 4, 2018, our Parish hosted the Lenten Mission Vespers for the Connecticut Deanery. 

Fr. John blesses the Water, as Fr. James observes
Fr. John blesses the Water, as Fr. James observes
Fr. John blesses the Water, as Fr. James observes
Theophany -- Great Blessing of Water -- January 2018

For the Feast of Theophany we were joined by Fr. James Parnell together with parishioners from both All Saints Orthodox Church, Hartford, where Fr. James is Pastor, and by parishioners from Nativity of the Holy Virgin Mary Orthodox Church, Waterbury. Here pictured is a scene from the Great Blessing of Water that takes place during the liturgical services for the feast. 

Festive Parish Christmas Dinner -- December 2017


On the Fast-free Friday following the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, we had a Festive Parish Christmas Dinner hosted by Paul S. and Tim O. Thanks to their efforts, along with those who assisted them, we had a wonderful festive dinner with great food and fellowship. Here are a couple photos from the evening. 

Our Choir sings the Christmas Kontakion


Click here to hear our Parish Choir sing the Kontakion of the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ.

Our Altar Servers wearing the New Robes
Our Altar Servers wearing the New Robes
Our Altar Servers wearing the New Robes
Parish Receives New Altar Server Robes -- Fall 2017

Our Parish recently received beautiful new gold-colored altar server robes. These robes were paid with funds from The Parish Memorial Fund. They were received and will be worn during liturgical services in memory of the departed faithful members of our Parish. Memory Eternal! 

Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary with the Waterbury Parish

For the Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary we joined together with the faithful people of Holy Nativity of the Virgin Mary Orthodox Church, Waterbury, CT, to celebrate the Feast. Our pastor here in Terryville, Fr. John Hopko, who presently serves as Pastoral Administrator of the Waterbury Parish, presided at the Festal Divine Liturgy. He was joined in concelebration by Fr. John Kreta, Fr. Nicholas Timpko, Fr. Joshua Mosher, and Protodeacon Paul Nimchek. The service was attended by faithful people from a number of different parishes of the Connecticut Deanery. 

The Clergy concelebrate at the Holy Altar during the Divine Liturgy
The Clergy concelebrate at the Holy Altar during the Divine Liturgy
The Clergy concelebrate at the Holy Altar during the Divine Liturgy
The Faithful approach to receive Holy Communion
The Faithful approach to receive Holy Communion
The Faithful approach to receive Holy Communion
Fr. John blesses the Faithful during the singing of
Fr. John blesses the Faithful during the singing of "Many Years"
Fr. John blesses the Faithful during the singing of "Many Years"
"Receive the Body of Christ..." -- May 14, 2017


Here is a link to a video with sound of our Parish Choir



(with some friends who were visiting that Sunday)



singing the Communion Hymn,  "Receive the Body of Christ..." 



on Sunday, May 14. 







Pascha 2017
Fr. John and Protodeacon Paul perform a Paschal censing
Fr. John and Protodeacon Paul perform a Paschal censing
Fr. John and Protodeacon Paul perform a Paschal censing
Blessing the Paschal Baskets
Blessing the Paschal Baskets
Blessing the Paschal Baskets



His Eminence, Archbishop NIKON, greeted by our pastor, Fr. John
His Eminence, Archbishop NIKON, greeted by our pastor, Fr. John
His Eminence, Archbishop NIKON, greeted by our pastor, Fr. John
Our parish deacon, Protodeacon Paul, leads the Archbishop into the Church
Our parish deacon, Protodeacon Paul, leads the Archbishop into the Church
Our parish deacon, Protodeacon Paul, leads the Archbishop into the Church
His Eminence, Archbishop NIKON, receives the Holy Gifts at the Great Entrance
His Eminence, Archbishop NIKON, receives the Holy Gifts at the Great Entrance
His Eminence, Archbishop NIKON, receives the Holy Gifts at the Great Entrance
Caleb's Baptism -- Fr. David Koles presiding.
Caleb's Baptism -- Fr. David Koles presiding.
Caleb's Baptism -- Fr. David Koles presiding.
Caleb's Baptism -- Family, Godparents, and Friends after the Service
Caleb's Baptism -- Family, Godparents, and Friends after the Service
Caleb's Baptism -- Family, Godparents, and Friends after the Service
We enjoyed our Parish Picnic on Sunday, October 2, 2016. The weather was gray and rainy (welcome relief from the recent drought) so we gathered indoors.
We enjoyed our Parish Picnic on Sunday, October 2, 2016. The weather was gray and rainy (welcome relief from the recent drought) so we gathered indoors.
We enjoyed our Parish Picnic on Sunday, October 2, 2016. The weather was gray and rainy (welcome relief from the recent drought) so we gathered indoors.
We enjoyed a wonderful bring-and-share meal, highlighted by BBQ ribs and other delicious food!
We enjoyed a wonderful bring-and-share meal, highlighted by BBQ ribs and other delicious food!
We enjoyed a wonderful bring-and-share meal, highlighted by BBQ ribs and other delicious food!
Paul S., Matt and Kristen A., and John S. were our BBQ chefs for the day. Check out the mobile grill rig!
Paul S., Matt and Kristen A., and John S. were our BBQ chefs for the day. Check out the mobile grill rig!
Paul S., Matt and Kristen A., and John S. were our BBQ chefs for the day. Check out the mobile grill rig!
The Parish Sisterhood hosted their Festival of Tables on September 18. A big crowd gathered to enjoy the beautifully decorated tables, the great food, and the fun fashion show!
The Parish Sisterhood hosted their Festival of Tables on September 18. A big crowd gathered to enjoy the beautifully decorated tables, the great food, and the fun fashion show!
The Parish Sisterhood hosted their Festival of Tables on September 18. A big crowd gathered to enjoy the beautifully decorated tables, the great food, and the fun fashion show!
Some of the wonderful appetizer trays that circulated during the Festival to the delight of all gathered for the event.
Some of the wonderful appetizer trays that circulated during the Festival to the delight of all gathered for the event.
Some of the wonderful appetizer trays that circulated during the Festival to the delight of all gathered for the event.
The Festival included a fashion show featuring members of the Parish modeling outfits purchased at area consignment shops. What a great idea!
The Festival included a fashion show featuring members of the Parish modeling outfits purchased at area consignment shops. What a great idea!
The Festival included a fashion show featuring members of the Parish modeling outfits purchased at area consignment shops. What a great idea!
Steven and Helen were married in our Parish on September 17, 2016.
Steven and Helen were married in our Parish on September 17, 2016.
Steven and Helen were married in our Parish on September 17, 2016.
Congratulations and Many Years, Steven and Helen!
Congratulations and Many Years, Steven and Helen!
Congratulations and Many Years, Steven and Helen!
Fr. John and the faithful gather at the Cross at the center of the Parish Cemetery
Fr. John and the faithful gather at the Cross at the center of the Parish Cemetery
Fr. John and the faithful gather at the Cross at the center of the Parish Cemetery
Fr. John presides at the Memorial Service in the Parish Cemetery
Fr. John presides at the Memorial Service in the Parish Cemetery
Fr. John presides at the Memorial Service in the Parish Cemetery
Fr. John, assisted by his son, Peter, blesses the graves in the Parish Cemetery
Fr. John, assisted by his son, Peter, blesses the graves in the Parish Cemetery
Fr. John, assisted by his son, Peter, blesses the graves in the Parish Cemetery
Paschal Matins begins -- Pascha Night 2016
Paschal Matins begins -- Pascha Night 2016
Paschal Matins begins -- Pascha Night 2016
Fr. John reads the Sermon of St. John Chrysostom on Pascha Night
Fr. John reads the Sermon of St. John Chrysostom on Pascha Night
Fr. John reads the Sermon of St. John Chrysostom on Pascha Night
The Church before Paschal Vespers on the Great and Holy Day of Pascha
The Church before Paschal Vespers on the Great and Holy Day of Pascha
The Church before Paschal Vespers on the Great and Holy Day of Pascha
Fr. John places Caroline in the Baptismal Font in Preparation for Holy Baptism
Fr. John places Caroline in the Baptismal Font in Preparation for Holy Baptism
Fr. John places Caroline in the Baptismal Font in Preparation for Holy Baptism
Fr. John and Caroline, with her Godparents, Mark and Karry Orelup, circle the Baptismal Font in festive procession following Caroline's Baptism
Fr. John and Caroline, with her Godparents, Mark and Karry Orelup, circle the Baptismal Font in festive procession following Caroline's Baptism
Fr. John and Caroline, with her Godparents, Mark and Karry Orelup, circle the Baptismal Font in festive procession following Caroline's Baptism
Fr. John presents Caroline with a Liturgy Book and an Icon of her Patron Saint at the conclusion of the Baptism Service
Fr. John presents Caroline with a Liturgy Book and an Icon of her Patron Saint at the conclusion of the Baptism Service
Fr. John presents Caroline with a Liturgy Book and an Icon of her Patron Saint at the conclusion of the Baptism Service
Fr. John blessing water
Fr. John blessing water
Fr. John blessing water
Fr. John blessing water
Fr. John blessing water
Fr. John blessing water
Fr. John and Deacon Paul blessing the nave of the Church with the newly blessed Holy Water
Fr. John and Deacon Paul blessing the nave of the Church with the newly blessed Holy Water
Fr. John and Deacon Paul blessing the nave of the Church with the newly blessed Holy Water
Fr. John Hopko and Protodeacon Paul Nimchek with the Altar Servers after Paschal Vespers
Fr. John Hopko and Protodeacon Paul Nimchek with the Altar Servers after Paschal Vespers
Fr. John Hopko and Protodeacon Paul Nimchek with the Altar Servers after Paschal Vespers
The Pastor and His Family -- Pascha 2015
The Pastor and His Family -- Pascha 2015
The Pastor and His Family -- Pascha 2015
Censing of the Tomb of Our Lord - Great and Holy Friday
Censing of the Tomb of Our Lord - Great and Holy Friday
Censing of the Tomb of Our Lord - Great and Holy Friday
Proclamation of the Gospel - Great and Holy Saturday
Proclamation of the Gospel - Great and Holy Saturday
Proclamation of the Gospel - Great and Holy Saturday
Distribution of the Blessed Bread - Great and Holy Saturday
Distribution of the Blessed Bread - Great and Holy Saturday
Distribution of the Blessed Bread - Great and Holy Saturday
Procession -- Pascha Midnight
Procession -- Pascha Midnight
Procession -- Pascha Midnight
Proclamation of Gospel - Pascha Midnight
Proclamation of Gospel - Pascha Midnight
Proclamation of Gospel - Pascha Midnight
Entrance with Book of Gospels -- Paschal Agape Vespers
Entrance with Book of Gospels -- Paschal Agape Vespers
Entrance with Book of Gospels -- Paschal Agape Vespers
Proclamation of Gospel - Paschal Agape Vespers
Proclamation of Gospel - Paschal Agape Vespers
Proclamation of Gospel - Paschal Agape Vespers
Paschal Procession - Paschal Agape Vespers
Paschal Procession - Paschal Agape Vespers
Paschal Procession - Paschal Agape Vespers
Paschal Procession - Paschal Agape Vespers
Paschal Procession - Paschal Agape Vespers
Paschal Procession - Paschal Agape Vespers
Paschal Procession - Paschal Agape Vespers
Paschal Procession - Paschal Agape Vespers
Paschal Procession - Paschal Agape Vespers
Paschal Procession - Paschal Agape Vespers
Paschal Procession - Paschal Agape Vespers
Paschal Procession - Paschal Agape Vespers
Explaining the Prosphora Seal
Explaining the Prosphora Seal
Explaining the Prosphora Seal
Rolling out the dough
Rolling out the dough
Rolling out the dough
Pressing on the Prosphora Seal
Pressing on the Prosphora Seal
Pressing on the Prosphora Seal
Working the Dough
Working the Dough
Working the Dough


To view the Photo Galleries of our 100th Anniversary Celebration celebrated in September 2012, please click on the heading "Centennial Celebration" in the drop down menu on the Home Page of this website. Thank you!


Cutting into basement - 5/25/2012
Cutting into basement - 5/25/2012
Cutting into basement - 5/25/2012
Base of shaft and doorway into basement - 5/31/2012
Base of shaft and doorway into basement - 5/31/2012
Base of shaft and doorway into basement - 5/31/2012
Elevator shaft underway with tarp to protect from rain - 6/7/2012
Elevator shaft underway with tarp to protect from rain - 6/7/2012
Elevator shaft underway with tarp to protect from rain - 6/7/2012
Elevator shaft from basement to nave of church - 06/16/2012
Elevator shaft from basement to nave of church - 06/16/2012
Elevator shaft from basement to nave of church - 06/16/2012
Top of the elevator shaft - 06/16/2012
Top of the elevator shaft - 06/16/2012
Top of the elevator shaft - 06/16/2012
Elevator shaft with roofing - 6/30/2012
Elevator shaft with roofing - 6/30/2012
Elevator shaft with roofing - 6/30/2012
Inside church with work area for elevator - 6/30/2012
Inside church with work area for elevator - 6/30/2012
Inside church with work area for elevator - 6/30/2012
Elevator shaft with matching brick at base - 8/10/2012
Elevator shaft with matching brick at base - 8/10/2012
Elevator shaft with matching brick at base - 8/10/2012
The handmaiden of God, Sophia, receives the oil of sanctification in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
"The child of God, Nicholas, is baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen"
Chapel at St. Innocent Orphanage
Chapel at St. Innocent Orphanage
Chapel at St. Innocent Orphanage
1 of 4 buildings used to house work groups (10 -12 people per building)
1 of 4 buildings used to house work groups (10 -12 people per building)
1 of 4 buildings used to house work groups (10 -12 people per building)
Lucy and Tatianna at Orphanage
Lucy and Tatianna at Orphanage
Lucy and Tatianna at Orphanage
Soccer game at Orphanage
Soccer game at Orphanage
Soccer game at Orphanage
Mark and Karry watching soccer game
Mark and Karry watching soccer game
Mark and Karry watching soccer game
Pennsylvania Team after framing on 2nd work day
Pennsylvania Team after framing on 2nd work day
Pennsylvania Team after framing on 2nd work day
Neighborhood store at building site
Neighborhood store at building site
Neighborhood store at building site
Siding and roofing on 3rd work day
Siding and roofing on 3rd work day
Siding and roofing on 3rd work day
Peter and Sean in the Pacific Ocean
Peter and Sean in the Pacific Ocean
Peter and Sean in the Pacific Ocean
Mark, Tatianna, and Andrew (PA) put finishing touches on stucco
Mark, Tatianna, and Andrew (PA) put finishing touches on stucco
Mark, Tatianna, and Andrew (PA) put finishing touches on stucco
Don't forget to have plenty of sunscreen
Don't forget to have plenty of sunscreen
Don't forget to have plenty of sunscreen
Taking a break on the final work day
Taking a break on the final work day
Taking a break on the final work day
Project Mexico Group Leaders
Project Mexico Group Leaders
Project Mexico Group Leaders
Gathering for House Blessing on final day
Gathering for House Blessing on final day
Gathering for House Blessing on final day
Gospel, Cross, Censor, and Holy Water for House Blessing
Gospel, Cross, Censor, and Holy Water for House Blessing
Gospel, Cross, Censor, and Holy Water for House Blessing
Angelica, Santos, and children in front of their new home.  May God grant them Many Years!
Angelica, Santos, and children in front of their new home. May God grant them Many Years!
Angelica, Santos, and children in front of their new home. May God grant them Many Years!
"Let your light so shine before men..."
"Let your light so shine before men..."
Server Luke Kowaleski holds liturgy book for Bishop Nikon
Server Luke Kowaleski holds liturgy book for Bishop Nikon
Server Luke Kowaleski holds liturgy book for Bishop Nikon
Entrance with Gospel
Entrance with Gospel
Entrance with Gospel
Deacon John Cook leads Bishop Nikon in censing
Deacon John Cook leads Bishop Nikon in censing
Deacon John Cook leads Bishop Nikon in censing
"Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal"
"Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal"
Altar Servers wash Bishop's hands before Great Entrance
Altar Servers wash Bishop's hands before Great Entrance
Altar Servers wash Bishop's hands before Great Entrance
"Eis Polli Eti Despota"
"Eis Polli Eti Despota"
"God Grant You Many Years"
"God Grant You Many Years"
Marching Band
Marching Band
Marching Band
A Night at the Symphony
A Night at the Symphony
A Night at the Symphony
12 Days of Christmas
12 Days of Christmas
12 Days of Christmas
Barbie Turns 50
Barbie Turns 50
Barbie Turns 50
Under the Tuscan Sun
Under the Tuscan Sun
Under the Tuscan Sun
Fashion Show - Lucy Hopko
Fashion Show - Lucy Hopko
Fashion Show - Lucy Hopko
Fashion Show - Karry Orelup
Fashion Show - Karry Orelup
Fashion Show - Karry Orelup
Fashion Show - Jennifer Wegh
Fashion Show - Jennifer Wegh
Fashion Show - Jennifer Wegh
"Let your light so shine before men..."
"Let your light so shine before men..."
Sermon by Bishop Nikon
Sermon by Bishop Nikon
Sermon by Bishop Nikon
Faithful receive Communion
Faithful receive Communion
Faithful receive Communion
Bishop Nikon reads Synodal Gramata for Protodeacon Simeon
Bishop Nikon reads Synodal Gramata for Protodeacon Simeon
Bishop Nikon reads Synodal Gramata for Protodeacon Simeon
Bishop Nikon presents Gramata to Protodeacon Simeon
Bishop Nikon presents Gramata to Protodeacon Simeon
Bishop Nikon presents Gramata to Protodeacon Simeon
Faithful venerate Cross at end of Liturgy
Faithful venerate Cross at end of Liturgy
Faithful venerate Cross at end of Liturgy
Bishop Nikon blesses food
Bishop Nikon blesses food
Bishop Nikon blesses food
Parish join Bishop Nikon for a luncheon after Liturgy
Parish join Bishop Nikon for a luncheon after Liturgy
Parish join Bishop Nikon for a luncheon after Liturgy
Retreat participants gather for a lunch prior to retreat.
Retreat participants gather for a lunch prior to retreat.
Retreat participants gather for a lunch prior to retreat.
Fr. John discusses the activities for the retreat.
Fr. John discusses the activities for the retreat.
Fr. John discusses the activities for the retreat.
Lucy, Larisa, Rose, and Lilly work on prayer books.
Lucy, Larisa, Rose, and Lilly work on prayer books.
Lucy, Larisa, Rose, and Lilly work on prayer books.
Emery shows Fr. John his prayer book.
Emery shows Fr. John his prayer book.
Emery shows Fr. John his prayer book.
Zachary works with Fr. John on his prayer book.
Zachary works with Fr. John on his prayer book.
Zachary works with Fr. John on his prayer book.
Fr. John helps Luke put his prayer book together.
Fr. John helps Luke put his prayer book together.
Fr. John helps Luke put his prayer book together.
Church school students carry donations over to Plymouth Food Pantry.
Church school students carry donations over to Plymouth Food Pantry.
Church school students carry donations over to Plymouth Food Pantry.
Food pantry donations are weighed before stocking the shelves.
Food pantry donations are weighed before stocking the shelves.
Food pantry donations are weighed before stocking the shelves.
Carousel Dreams
Carousel Dreams
Carousel Dreams
Purrfect Cats
Purrfect Cats
Purrfect Cats
Sweet Sweet Heaven
Sweet Sweet Heaven
Sweet Sweet Heaven
Starry Night
Starry Night
Starry Night
Karry Orelup in Fashion Show
Karry Orelup in Fashion Show
Karry Orelup in Fashion Show
Fr. Nicholas Finley
Fr. Nicholas Finley
Fr. Nicholas Finley
Dn. Nicholas receives blessing from Bishop Job
Dn. Nicholas receives blessing from Bishop Job
Dn. Nicholas receives blessing from Bishop Job
Led around altar table
Led around altar table
Led around altar table
Bishop Job prays over Fr. Nicholas
Bishop Job prays over Fr. Nicholas
Bishop Job prays over Fr. Nicholas
Bishop Job adjusts Phelonion
Bishop Job adjusts Phelonion
Bishop Job adjusts Phelonion
1st Liturgy in Terrville, 2/20/08
1st Liturgy in Terrville, 2/20/08
1st Liturgy in Terrville, 2/20/08
Fr. John instructs students
Fr. John instructs students
Fr. John instructs students
Deacon Nicholas works with students
Deacon Nicholas works with students
Deacon Nicholas works with students
Students listen to directions for the retreat projects
Students listen to directions for the retreat projects
Students listen to directions for the retreat projects
Everyone hard at work... well, almost everyone
Everyone hard at work... well, almost everyone
Everyone hard at work... well, almost everyone
What are we mixing together?
What are we mixing together?
What are we mixing together?
Advent Retreat participants
Advent Retreat participants
Advent Retreat participants
Subdeacon Nicholas is led around altar table
Subdeacon Nicholas is led around altar table
Subdeacon Nicholas is led around altar table
First Litany
First Litany
First Litany
Deacon Nicholas and Larissa with Bishop Nikon, Clergy, and Servers
Deacon Nicholas and Larissa with Bishop Nikon, Clergy, and Servers
Deacon Nicholas and Larissa with Bishop Nikon, Clergy, and Servers
Newly ordained Deacon Nicholas and Larissa with Bishop Nikon
Newly ordained Deacon Nicholas and Larissa with Bishop Nikon
Newly ordained Deacon Nicholas and Larissa with Bishop Nikon
Winter Wonderland
Winter Wonderland
Winter Wonderland
A Night at the Movies
A Night at the Movies
A Night at the Movies
The Fields of Prevence
The Fields of Prevence
The Fields of Prevence
Groovin' to the 60's
Groovin' to the 60's
Groovin' to the 60's
Bishop Nikon with Fr. John, Deacon Paul, and John Kuzmich after Liturgy
Prayer at Liturgy for Deacon Sam & Eva Kopcha
Prayer at Liturgy for Deacon Sam & Eva Kopcha
Prayer at Liturgy for Deacon Sam & Eva Kopcha
Fr. John Hopko presents a commemorative book to Deacon Sam
Fr. John Hopko presents a commemorative book to Deacon Sam
Fr. John Hopko presents a commemorative book to Deacon Sam
Deacon Sam checks out the book that was created and coordinated by the Church School students and teachers
Deacon Sam checks out the book that was created and coordinated by the Church School students and teachers
Deacon Sam checks out the book that was created and coordinated by the Church School students and teachers
Many family and friends gather for picnic with Deacon Sam
Many family and friends gather for picnic with Deacon Sam
Many family and friends gather for picnic with Deacon Sam
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