This year our Parish Bakers contributed dozens upon dozens of cookies, which the Parish Sisterhood then used to create 40 trays of wonderful cookies.
These trays were sold as a Parish Fundraiser just before the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord (Christmas) in December 2019. A great project, with delicious results!
Pentecost Kneeling Prayers -- Sunday, June 16, 2019
Pentecost Kneeling Prayers -- Sunday, June 16, 2019
Feast of Holy Pentecost -- Sunday, June 16, 2019
On Sunday, June 16, 2019, we celebrated the Feast of Holy Pentecost, commemorating the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples--now called to be apostles--fifty days after Our Lord Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead on Holy Pascha. As is traditional at Pentecost, we read the kneeling prayers, which restore the pious practice of kneeling to the Church after the fifty days during which we do not kneel following Holy Pascha.
MIssion Vespers - Feast of the Annunciation - Great Lent 2019
Our Parish hosted Lenten Mission Vespers for our Fellow Parishes of the Connecticut Deanery on Sunday evening, March 24, the Eve of the Feast of the Annunciation. (That's why the clergy are vested in blue vestments, rather than the usual Lenten purple!) After the service we enjoyed a wonderful Lenten "Soup and Bread" Repast with our guests.
On Sunday, March 3, 2019, we enjoyed a festive Meat-fare Sunday Brunch, with all proceeds going to benefit the Plymouth Community Food Pantry, which is housed in the lower level portion of our Parish Community Center. About $500.00 was raised for the Food Pantry on this occasion, as we enjoyed Pre-Lenten Fellowship.
His Eminence blesses with the dikirion at the singing of the Trisagion
His Eminence blesses with the dikirion at the singing of the Trisagion
His Eminence Archbishop NIKON and Fr. John wave the aer over the Holy Gifts during the singing of the Creed
His Eminence Archbishop NIKON and Fr. John wave the aer over the Holy Gifts during the singing of the Creed
Visit of His Eminence, Archbishop NIKON, on September 9, 2018
Our diocesan hierarch, His Eminence, Archbishop NIKON of Boston, visited our Parish on Sunday, November 9, and presided at the Divine Liturgy. It was a uplifting from our kind and gentle bishop! May God grant you many years, Your Eminence!
Workshop Leader Robin Freeman with Participants from our Parish Choir
Workshop Leader Robin Freeman with Participants from our Parish Choir
Robin Freeman leading our Parish Choir
Robin Freeman leading our Parish Choir
Our Choir singing together during the Choir Workshop
Our Choir singing together during the Choir Workshop
June 2018 -- Our Parish Choir Enjoys an Edifying and Productive Workshop
On Saturday, June 16, our Parish Choir enjoyed a edifying and productive liturgical singing workshop with Robin Freeman, Director of Music at Saint Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary. Robin worked for an hour and a half with our Choir Directors, and then for another two hours with the whole Choir. We had a dinner break, and then we all prayed (and sang!) together at our usual Saturday evening Parish Vigil service. We are grateful to Saint Vladimir's Seminary, and to Robin Freeman, for the Parish Music Program.
We enjoyed a wonderful Mother's Day Brunch on Sunday, May 13, 2018, hosted by Tim O. and Paul S. (Thanks, gentlemen!) May God bless all our mothers, grandmothers, Godmothers, and all those who exercise motherly ministry in our lives!
Fr. John blessing the graves in the Parish Cemetery
Fr. John blessing the graves in the Parish Cemetery
Blessing the Graves in the Parish Cemetery on Thomas Sunday 2018
On a day with windchills well below freezing, we blessed the graves in the Parish Cemetery. Next year we might wait for a warmer day, but this year we performed this rite of blessing on the traditional day of Thomas Sunday. (The wind was blowing so hard, Fr. John had to zip up his coat over his epitrachelion to keep it from blowing away!)
Theophany -- Great Blessing of Water -- January 2018
For the Feast of Theophany we were joined by Fr. James Parnell together with parishioners from both All Saints Orthodox Church, Hartford, where Fr. James is Pastor, and by parishioners from Nativity of the Holy Virgin Mary Orthodox Church, Waterbury. Here pictured is a scene from the Great Blessing of Water that takes place during the liturgical services for the feast.
On the Fast-free Friday following the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, we had a Festive Parish Christmas Dinner hosted by Paul S. and Tim O. Thanks to their efforts, along with those who assisted them, we had a wonderful festive dinner with great food and fellowship. Here are a couple photos from the evening.
Parish Receives New Altar Server Robes -- Fall 2017
Our Parish recently received beautiful new gold-colored altar server robes. These robes were paid with funds from The Parish Memorial Fund. They were received and will be worn during liturgical services in memory of the departed faithful members of our Parish. Memory Eternal!
Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary with the Waterbury Parish
For the Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary we joined together with the faithful people of Holy Nativity of the Virgin Mary Orthodox Church, Waterbury, CT, to celebrate the Feast. Our pastor here in Terryville, Fr. John Hopko, who presently serves as Pastoral Administrator of the Waterbury Parish, presided at the Festal Divine Liturgy. He was joined in concelebration by Fr. John Kreta, Fr. Nicholas Timpko, Fr. Joshua Mosher, and Protodeacon Paul Nimchek. The service was attended by faithful people from a number of different parishes of the Connecticut Deanery.
The Clergy concelebrate at the Holy Altar during the Divine Liturgy
The Clergy concelebrate at the Holy Altar during the Divine Liturgy
The Faithful approach to receive Holy Communion
The Faithful approach to receive Holy Communion
Fr. John blesses the Faithful during the singing of "Many Years"
Fr. John blesses the Faithful during the singing of "Many Years"
We enjoyed our Parish Picnic on Sunday, October 2, 2016. The weather was gray and rainy (welcome relief from the recent drought) so we gathered indoors.
We enjoyed our Parish Picnic on Sunday, October 2, 2016. The weather was gray and rainy (welcome relief from the recent drought) so we gathered indoors.
We enjoyed a wonderful bring-and-share meal, highlighted by BBQ ribs and other delicious food!
We enjoyed a wonderful bring-and-share meal, highlighted by BBQ ribs and other delicious food!
Paul S., Matt and Kristen A., and John S. were our BBQ chefs for the day. Check out the mobile grill rig!
Paul S., Matt and Kristen A., and John S. were our BBQ chefs for the day. Check out the mobile grill rig!
The Parish Sisterhood hosted their Festival of Tables on September 18. A big crowd gathered to enjoy the beautifully decorated tables, the great food, and the fun fashion show!
The Parish Sisterhood hosted their Festival of Tables on September 18. A big crowd gathered to enjoy the beautifully decorated tables, the great food, and the fun fashion show!
Some of the wonderful appetizer trays that circulated during the Festival to the delight of all gathered for the event.
Some of the wonderful appetizer trays that circulated during the Festival to the delight of all gathered for the event.
The Festival included a fashion show featuring members of the Parish modeling outfits purchased at area consignment shops. What a great idea!
The Festival included a fashion show featuring members of the Parish modeling outfits purchased at area consignment shops. What a great idea!
To view the Photo Galleries of our 100th Anniversary Celebration celebrated in September 2012, please click on the heading "Centennial Celebration" in the drop down menu on the Home Page of this website. Thank you!